Martes, Agosto 27, 2019

rainy day mysterys

the rain its both a blessing and a curse as it means there might be no work and all day resting and the green of the world get water but a curse as the rainy season is more prone to accidents but we already know that I am here to talk about how it affects us emotionally everybody has done it in once in there life pretending to be in the sad music you listen as the car move and us looking at the window it just adds a certain thing to it more substance I think but not only that we often put rain as a sad thing as its often put in the emotion of sadness as it reminds of tears but for some people its symbolizes a renewal as the rain washes everything away it washes the negativity that we feel like a person who plays in the rain there's a certain feeling of freedom in it the feeling of joy and childlike wonder in it in romantic films it sometimes symbolizes this as love is amazing to wonder that is given to us it washes away their sadness which the story completes with two lover meeting in the middle of the rain this simple thing that we often see brings so much in our life memories as we look again outside our windows during rainy days we are pulled in the mysterys in this word again on how a simple things can have so much power in us those rain droplets that hit our window brings so much comfort for those who lost as they feel the world weeps with them joy to those who feel the world is blessing them and for me wonder and intrig as a type this during a rainy day that those little sounds of rain hitting the window brings so much nostalgia like a projector showing me my memorys as the rain contuines on.

Huwebes, Agosto 15, 2019

Full moon ritual

Full moon rituals

So i have been reading into magic in my free time not much of that thanks to money so i was reading according to pagan rituals full moon is where the power of nature is the strongest and since  i already dabbled in it why not try a full moon ritual and this time i actually learned how to make my own ritual and using old nordic symbols i would have used my own country old symbols of magic  but the information available isn't flushed out so i stuck with nordic so the ritual i will do is the blessing ritual i made my own little altar just for this event and have a one of that so-called blessed cristal i used my birthstone because apparently, these gems have a different meaning but i also read the more in tune you are in your tools the spell will work more so i settled in that i made my own not that impressive it basically says give me more blessing i needed a patron and it should match my desired outcome so no better patron goddess then the magic goddess herself Hecate i know that it was said that it will take more than just asking a particular divine being to be his/her patron but i dont that time so hopefully i did good so my ritual set up  I just copyed it from the internet so like the ritual says i must be in a form of meditation clear my mind and focus on the what i desire and chat a ritual it basicly goes asking the patron god or goddess to hear me and grant me your blessing but in a ryming manner  which is kind of nice after which i light the candels and close all the lights and opening the window letting the moon bless me with its powers while only the light of the moon and candles shines upon me and again i  the sacred being to hear me and grant me blessing as i offer this ritual to her i actualy bowed down to a small altar while saying the chat after it got a little freaky the room went a little colder maybe it was the cold air but it was different kind of cold not i feel like a ghost near by cold but like a refeshing cold like opening a freezer kind of cold so after feeling that felt my ritual was working hopefully after i thank the divine beings and my patron goddess for acpetting my ritual i did some closing ritual stuff adding a mediate for awhile after which i ended the ritual and hid my little altar set up again i really do not know if the ritual work or if that cold was just the room i cant really say there are so much in this world we dont know yet maybe after a couple of days i will see the result and when that happen i might even get my self a real patron in magic.

thanks for reading have a great day

Lunes, Agosto 12, 2019

Life on the right path again

So here I am with great news I think the magic charms work better then I thought as now I have now work again and a small business to back it up so more funds for me so back to the main point i am back in my life roads again it has been a long rest i guess i can it that but it was somewhat boring I really didn't do much but i did have the time to try new stuff that was the good part but i as the day of work approach my eldest brother is being a pain in the ass again as he doesn't want us to leave home what's up with that i hate that part i will only take him as an obstacle that needs to be overcome like all steps in life i better find and test a spell to back negativity that might work as the luck and money spell did do some charms so who could say a spell-like that maybe i will try more of it card reading seems nice and a little magic might do the job.

So my work is like my same old work so i am preparing myself again on hours on the phone and answering emails like before so that shouldn't be too hard and also my business this is the fun part i finally managed to open my own little stand things are looking up i just to perverse more and all will be hopefully well.

Miyerkules, Agosto 7, 2019

the magic rituals results so far

so the result on the three which kind of weird I have read that fate really matter in these things but I think my actions have to do in it as well.
first, of the love spell, I will completely say that it doesn't work my love life is still nothing maybe it will take time but so far no advancement so next one is the luck well I got to say I got lucky not that much but improvements can be seen but then again maybe having this luck spell just motivates me more to do stuff I haven't tried before so I should call not a luck increasing ritual but a confidence-boosting thing as the saying goes what will you do when you know you wouldn't fail so yup I guess it is a workable thing and the last one is the money ritual to these I think its a psychological thing as you always want to have money in your wallet seeing only a few pesos it makes you want to add more and set a boundary for it like for me i make sure that my wallet always have a 100 pesos inside of it not for spending unless for super emergencies its just because thinking that you must have that and turns into a habit I have been doing it for almost a week and i always save more as I always empty my wallet end of the day and buget it again in the beginning of it so all the extra will just be more saving if this is real magic then so be it so in all I think ritual and spells are things that are really moved by beliefed but beliving in yourself and make your action more then it used to be I think thats the real magic so because of this I want to try more spells and maybe do some card reading it might but not real magic but it is still an amazing thing to try.

thank you for reading

Huwebes, Agosto 1, 2019

Testing magic spells my experience does it work or not

Rituals and magic spells
I have read much about them so I decided to see if they really work according to common knowledge for a so-called spell or ritual to work there are two things that are important first they must have full knowledge of the spell conditions and the other one is belief in it as I think that were its power really come from the belief of the ritual spell user so for starters I am not a practitioner of any kind of spells so this really new to me so I am not a believer of it so I only used the common spells that have easy rituals the basic one about love, money, and luck as these are the most used and commonly used i downloaded an app for my phone in this use and researched the net for some of it as well what I found that there are many differences on actions to do the ritual so used the easiest one I could do in a short amount of time for the love I used a red candle  burning some herbs  in the full moon prayed to the element or spirits but according to guide it will most usefull when praying to your patreon god or goddes since I dont have those and the ash of the herbs be kept on a blessed sack I got to say the herb smelled nice so i kept it in my bag as the guide said nxt one is the money spell amazingly this just involves a silver coin prayed and be always kept on my wallet and never be spend accourding to the guide it will make money more attarcted to me and the last but not the least is the luck i this involes a crystal glass coins some cinemon and some kind of powder  and of course herbs its actualy just tinking of luck to come while I mix it and appartnly I have to do this monthly.

I can't really say the results but in a week i might as all of these spells says that you will have results in a week luckily its already Friday so i will know the effects exactly nxt Friday.

thanks for reading have a great day.

alien planet prince ch 3(yaoi)(MXM)#yaoi #gay #manwha

  Kim PyeongBeom is an ordinary person who lives a common life, but one day an alien with the appearance of a teddy bear lands in his room! ...